Friday, January 22, 2010


Its all starting to set in now. In a few days i leave the country. In a few more days I'll be missing pieces of Home. What pieces will i be missing? Probably trivial pieces.
The beach, Tim Hortons, my skateboard: things that aren't important but suddenly seem intrinsic to life as i've always known it and liked it.
Change never comes easy.

But I havn't been spending a particularly extrordinary amount of time at Tims, or on my skate, or at the beach- although I might just get a beach sit in before I leave. I have, however, been going out of my way to let those who mean the most in my life, in on what I'm doing. Its funny how your schedule can work around valueing other people when you realize that you won't see them for a while. Its funnier still how thier value has seemed to intensify in these last weeks- as if the pressure has revealed them as none-less the jems that they are. Makes me want to live every day to its potential.

When I was a kid I liked the Lone Ranger. I wanted to be like him. Problem is, one day his horse will die, then his fans will die, then he will die. And when he dies, he'll die alone.
I've tended to try to do things on my own in the past- to my own detriment. I liked the feeling of freedom and of independence. Problem is, eventually you find that firstly you aren't as independent as you'd like to think and secondly life is pretty pointless solo. Even Han had Chewy. And freedom isn't found singlehandedly.
In the past weeks I've been out of my way all over to make time for those friends. I guess I've just realized that they aren't out of my way at all. They are in my way and If i can help it, I'm not flying without them.
So as i take off into the sunset and kicking up dust to a new frontier, know this: I am as thankful as thankful can be that I am not, nor ever was, the lone ranger.

6 days to lift off.

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